SUMMER RENT RISE STARTS EARLY Warnings of rent rises prompted by housing policy changes are rife but the latest Trade Me Property data shows rents are already hitting record highs. The national median weekly rent remained at a record high of $480 for the third month in a row in August, according to the Trade Me Property Rental Price Index. This was an increase of 6.7% on the same time last year and, further, every region in the country saw an annual increase in rents in August. The rising rent trend was most pronounced outside of the three main cities. Once they were excluded, the median weekly rent was up by 10.5% on last year to an all-time high of $420 in August. (Source:
LANDLORD GROUP EMBARKS ON ALTERNATIVE TO RENTAL WOF Property investors are concerned that a compulsory rental WOF as championed by the Greens at the weekend might be too difficult to meet. But a group of Wellington landlords is already taking the initiative and proposing an alternative system to uphold certain standards. Wellington Property Investors Association president Richard Bacon said his members were starting a landlord accreditation scheme. "It'll take us a year to get it going." He was against a rental warrant of fitness because it was "a pass-fail situation and that's not helpful". (Source: Stuff)
APPEAL PLANNED TO SORT OUT TENANCY TRIBUNAL TANGLE A Lower Hutt woman is appealing against a tenancy case that highlighted a difference of opinion between judges. The woman rented a flat over a commercial property in the suburb of Taita, that had resource consent for use as a caretaker's residence only. She was taken to the Tenancy Tribunal over rent arrears and other expenses. Applying a High Court judge's reasoning in a similar case, the tribunal said the property was unlawful for a residential tenancy and the only thing it could do was to make the landlords repay the $14,000 rent she had paid. But the landlords thought not complying with resource consent was just a technicality. (Source: Stuff)
SURVEY ON PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE RESIDENTIAL TENANCIES ACT (RTA) Have your say on proposed standards to make rental homes warmer and drier. The healthy homes standards will set minimum requirements for heating, insulation, ventilation, moisture and drainage, and draught stopping in residential rental properties. These standards were enabled by the Healthy Homes Guarantee Act 2017 which was passed into law in December 2017. Have your say with this online survey. (Source: Tenancy Services)
TINZ TIP - MAKE CONTACT WITH PREVIOUS LANDLORDS On your tenant check results any TINZ reference will show the person who offered the reference. Click on the name for a popup allowing you to send an email to that person. This is how you are able to make contact with previous landlords, particularly if they are not mentioned by your prospective tenant on the Tenancy Application form. Often you would like additional information or wish to fill in some blanks. Now you can.
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Thursday 4th October
10:00 am to 10:45 am (NZST)
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